Step 5 - Learn the Planets in Astrology. Each of the 12 Signs has a planet(s) associated with it. These are called the Ruling Planets. Learn more about the planets in astrology. Step 6 - Learn the Astrological Houses. The Astrology Chart also divides into 12 houses and has a house number coinciding with it. A Tutorial in Vedic Astrology I have organized the Vedic materials on this website to help readers to learn Vedic astrology systematically. I keep adding to this set of Vedic astrology lessons bimonthly, and it is becoming a complete learning course in astrology.
“On the one hand, you have a wonderfully caring, magnetic personality that draw people in close. On the other hand, you come across as standoffish, even reclusive. While both personalities are, in fact, who you are, at any one moment which side you show to the world depends on who you are with and the circumstances you are in.” – Rosemary Breen
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