Pokemon Glazed Swimsuit Location

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A collection of Jollibee commercials from Philippines. The languages in these commercials are filipino and english. Since that the filipino restaurant came i. DISCLAIMER: The following walkthrough, although edited by other users over time. The final request is from Melanie who requests you find her swimsuit on the 4th floor. FanMade_Pokemon_Glazed_version Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site. Apr 12, 2017 - Twitch Plaze Blazed Glazed 17: Sink or Swim When we last left our honey of. We left the Pokemon Center without healing, then went to bang.

Pokemon Glazed Locations

I'm playing pokemon glazed, and, in the beginning, I tried to find a list of all the locations, but couldn't find a complete list anywhere. So, I decided to make my own. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS IS NOWHERE NEAR COMPLETE. I'm still playing the game, and this is mostly from walking around quite a few times. There is a very real possibility I missed some pokemon in some areas, especially the safari zone, or if there are pokemon that only appear at day/night (if there are pokemon like that in this rom).

I just wanted to share what I have so far. I just beat the Tunod league.

Pokemon I found in Pokemon Glazed

Professor Willow's Lab Turtwig Chimchar Piplup Shinx Riolu

Forest Pass Rattata Tailow Poochyena Sentret Ralts Sandshrew

Milkshake Swamp Croagunk Ekans Tangela Shroomish

Green Swamp Mudkip (only one in game)

Oceanview Park (needs Cut) Vulpix Growlithe Mareep Marill Electrike

Oceanview City Trade Ninetales for Poliwhirl (evolves into Politoed) Accept Ditto from girl in Oceanview Bed and Breakfast

Power Plant Magnemite Pikachu Porygon Electrike Elekid

Serenity Lighthouse Win an Eevee by beating everyone consecutively

Springside Path Tailow Shroomish Poochyena Zorua Breloom

Forlorn Cape Dratini Deino Gible Larvitar Beldum

Haunted Isle Wingull Buizel Spinda

Haunted Rock Misdreavus Gastly Haunter

Haunted Rock (outside) Gastly Banette

Haunted Rock (other cave) Misdreavus Gastly Haunter Banette

Seaspray Dam Pikachu Growlithe Electrike Raichu Manectric Pichu (In Water) Wingull Buizel

Fossil Finder (Bring a specific shard for a pokemon fossil) Yellow Shard -> Helix Fossil (all hail) (Omanyte) Red Shard -> Dome Fossil (Kabuto) Green Shard -> Claw Fossil (Anorith) Blue Shard -> Root Fossil (Lileep)

Mt Stratus Zubat Geodude Abra Phanpy

Mt Stratus (other cave) Zubat Aron Abra Phanpy Sableye

Mt Stratus (northeast staircase) Snover Geodude Zubat Lairon

Geminite River Skorupi Tailow Buizel Gible Joltik

Icebound Chasm Snorunt Slowpoke Swinub Sneasel Delibird

Blizzard Slopes Snorunt Furret Sneasel Smoochum Delibird (In Water) Slowpoke

Northcoast Peaks Absol Froslass Bagon Delibird Glalie Granbull Jynx

Northcoast Town Accept a Glaceon from a woman in a house

Northcoast Museum Revive Fossils Helix Fossil (all hail) (Omanyte) Fossil Finder Dome Fossil (Kabuto) Fossil Finder Claw Fossil (Anorith) Fossil Finder Root Fossil (Lileep) Fossil Finder Old Amber (Aeorodactyl) Subfalls Cave

Icicle Tunnel Delibird Zubat Golbat

Cape Azure Performance Hall Beat the Entertainer to win a Honchkrow (Be careful, he has 6 level 50 pokemon) Outside Tunod Safari Zone Mightyena Ponyta Nincada Swellow Murkrow

Tunod Safari Zone 1 Axew Deino Mawile Rhyhorn (found in strip of grass behind the pond in Zone 1) (In Water) Psyduck

Tunod Safari Zone 2 Axew Druddigon Deino Mawile Wobbufet

Tunod Safari Zone 3 Axew Deino Wobbufet Druddigon Heracross (found in strip of grass behind the pond in Zone 1)

Tunod Safari Zone 4 Tauros Granbull Lickitung Miltank Druddigon Fraxure (In Water) Psyduck Mantine

Southerly City Trade Kirlia for Ninetales

Espo Clearing Leafeon Ponyta Swellow Scraggy Galvantula (In Water) Magikarp Gyrados Buizel

Espo Forest Mawile Kadabra Beldum Abra Ralts Kirlia Wynaut Espeon (Found a Dawn Stone in here)

Temporal Tower Outside (In Water) Tentacool Wingull

Temporal Tower Unown

Palmtree Park Vibrava Scraggy Eevee Chansey Butterfree Spinda Beedrill Scrafty

Sunshore Beach SHINY lvl 1 Magikarp (buy for 500 yen) (In Water) Tentacool Wingull

Spatial Sea (In Water) Tentacool Wingull

Spacial Ruins Ralts Abra

Deep Mt Stratus (after Rock Climb) Banette Lairon Gabite Shuppet Graveler Golbat (In Water) Seadra Seel Dewgong

Darkwood Grotto Underwater (inside and out) Chinchou Clamperl Lanturn

Darkwood Grotto Cave Machoke Zubat Mankey Machop (In Water) Slowpoke Zubat (Under Water) Chinchou Clamperl Lanturn Huntail (1st dark spot) Gorebyss (2nd dark spot)

Waterfall Gorge Ursaring Sandslash Pidgeotto Scrafty Ditto Floatzel (In Water) Buizel Tentacool Pelipper

Darkwood Town (In Water) Magikarp

Darkwood Town Dojo Beat the trainer to win a Blaziken (Be careful, he has 6 level 50 pokemon)

Subfalls Cave Zubat Sableye Golbat Banette Old Amber (Aerodactly Fossil)

Mt Furnace Koffing Arcanine Magmortar Vulpix Magby

Path of Victory (In doors trade Fraxure for a Seadra that evolves into a Kingra) Zwelious Heracross Seviper Fraxure Castform (In Water) Tentacruel Pelipper Floatzel

Developer's House Beat the Developer to win a Quilava (Be careful, he has 6 level 50 pokemon)

Sinistrus Forest Houndoom Murkrow Zorua Misdreavus Absol Umbreon

Tunod Victory Road Zubat Glaceon Lairon Golbat Aron Onix Banette Sableye Luxio (In Water) Golbat





Cherrygrove City (In Water) Tentacruel

Route 29 Pidgeot Furret Linoone Raticate Noctowl (Headbutt tree) Aipom Spearow Heracross

Professor Elm’s Lab Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile

New Bark Town (In Water) Tentacruel

Route 27 (In Water) Tentacruel

Route 46 Graveler Raticate Fearow

Route 30 Beedrill Pidgeot Butterfree Ledian (In Water) Poliwag Poliwhirl (Headbutt Tree) Spearow Aipom

Mr. Pokemon’s House Togepi (as an egg)

Route 31 Beedrill Ledian Weepinbell Pidgeot Butterfree Lickitung (Headbutt Tree) Spearow Aipom (In Water) Poliwag

Violet City (In Water) Tentacruel Pelipper

Route 32 Arbok Raticate Pidgeot Weepinbell Skiploom

Ruins of Alph Unown (In Water) Wooper Quagsire

Route 36 Ledian Pidgeot Weepinbell Growlithe (Headbutt Tree) Spinarak Pineco Noctowl

Route 37 Pidgeot Growlithe Ariados Ledian

Route 42 Spearow Ekans Rattata (Headbutt Tree) Spearow Aipom (In Water) Goldeen Seaking

Mt. Mortar Golbat Gurdurr Raticate Heracross Machoke Graveler (In Water) Dewgong Marill Seaking

Mt. Mortar (Other Cave) Golbat Machoke Hitmonchan Hitmonlee Hitmontop Graveler

Pokemon glazed swimsuit location

Route 43 Pidgeot Glalie Mienshao Linoone Furret (In Water) Magikarp

Lake of Rage (In Water) Azumarill Quagsire

Route 44 Lickitung Poliwhirl Mienshao Jynx Smoochum (in smaller grass patch) (In Water) Poliwag

Ice Path Glalie Golbat Pilowswine Jynx Delibird (In Water) Slowbro Cloyster

Blackthorn City Trade Dragonair for Ampharos (In Water) Dragonair Dratini Gyrados

Route 45 (South of Blackthorn City) Delibird Glalie Skarmory Bagon Ursaring

Dark Cave West Entrance Graveler Golbat (In Water) Magikarp

Dark Cave East Entrance Graveler Golbat Wobbufet (In Water) Magikarp Gyrados

Route 45 (South of Dark Cave) Graveler Donphan Gligar Skarmory

Route 38 Raticate Magneton Pidgeot (Headbutt Tree) Pineco Spinarek

Moomoo Farm Miltank, 1 chance

Olivine City Trade Magikarp for Slowpoke (evolves into Slowking)

National Park Pidgeot Ledian Nidorino Nidorina Beedrill Butterfree

Route 35 Grandbull Growlithe Pidgeot Kadabra Yanmega (In Water) Golduck (Headbutt Tree) Pineco Spinarak Noctowl

Route 43 Raticate Pidgeot Granbull (In Water) Tentacruel

Pokemon I’ve hatched from the Day care eggs bought so far Sentret Totodile Trapinch

Ilex Forest Butterfree Beedrill

Slowpoke Well Golbat Slowpoke (In Water) Slowpoke Slowbro

Route 33 (Headbutt Tree) Spinarak Pineco

Union Cave Graveler Sandslash Raticate Golbat (In Water) Quagsire

Ruins of Alph (connected to Union Cave outside) Kadabra Smeargle

Bamboo Forest Yanma Tangela Forretress Lickitung Skiploom

Route 48 Gligar Nincada Furret Rapidash Shedinja Ninjask (Headbutt Tree) Spinarak Pineco

Bell Tower Rattata

Brass Tower Raticate Haunter Golbat Pikachu Ledian Pidgeot

Cianvine Bridge Pelipper Tailow Wingull

Cianwood City (In Water) Tentacruel Staryu

Cliff Edge Cave Kingler Golbat Machoke Graveler Quagsire (In Water) Wooper Quagsire

Jhoto Safari Zone Plains Abra Rattata Mawile Raticate Smeargle Roserade

Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow Skiploom Marill Clefairy Wooper Jigglypuff Hoppip (In Water) Magikarp Marill Wooper

Jhoto Safari Zone Savannah Tauros Rhyhorn Nidoran♀ Golbat Nidoran♂

Jhoto Safari Zone Peak Geodude Magneton Graveler Magnetite Wobbufet Magmar

Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach Slowbro Krabby Marowak Zubat Slowpoke Kingler (In Water) Poliwag Magikarp Lapras Poliwhirl

Jhoto Safari Zone Wetland Spearow Psyduck Quagsire Furret Wooper Golduck

Jhoto Safari Zone Forest Bellsprout Haunter Pidgeotto Gastly Heracross Misdreavus

Jhoto Safari Zone Snow Smoochum Jynx Froslass Snorunt Piloswine Delibird (In Water) Shellder Cloyster

Jhoto Safari Zone Marsh Weezing Wooper Grimer Ekans Koffing Arbok

Jhoto Safari Zone Wasteland Kangaskhan Fearow Machop Magnemite Onix Machoke

Jhoto Safari Zone Desert Fearow Donphan Sandshrew Phanpy Sandslash

Jhoto Safari Zone Ocean (In Water) Seaking Mantine Qwilfish

Route 47 Ditto Miltank Spearow Noctowl Weepinbell (In Water) Tentacool Seel

Evergreen Town (In Water) Pelipper Horsea Seadra

Dragon’s Den (In Water) Magikarp Dratini

Route 49 (In Water) Seadra Pelipper Horsea (Under Water) Clamperl Buizel Lanturn

Jhoto Victory Road Graveler Onix Rhydon Magneton Licitung

Jhoto Victory Road (Ice Room) Delibird Mamoswine Sneasel Glalie (Underwater) Clamperl Floatzel Lanturn

Jhoto Victory Road (Lava Room) Arcinine Houndoom Ninetales Magmar Rapidash Aggron

Jhoto League Ursaring Scyther Kecleon Muk Chansey


Reefen Isle Trade Croagunk for Scyther (evolves into Scizor)

Professor Cypress’s Lab Snivy Tepig Oshawott

Olcan Isle Magmar Houndoom Tyranitar Shelgon Gligar Skarmory

Mt. Tritorch Arcanine Ninetales Aggron Houndoom Magcargo Shelgon Salamence

Nitro Isle Poliwhirl Mienshao Staryu Nidorino Manectric Pikachu Nidorina Ampharos Starmie

Mt. Dyno Absol Magneton Manectric Electabuzz Golbat Galvantula Electrode

Joltysan’s House Joltik

Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon) Magneton Golbat Scrafty Seviper Muk Zangoose (In Water) Golduck

Mt. Frozon Piloswine Froslass Glalie Golbat Jynx Mamoswine Aggron




Update 1: As suggested, I will start doing a pokemon by location list as well and added some pokemon. This list isn't finished yet, just like the location list.

Butterfree: Palmtree Park, Route 30, Route 31, National Park, Ilex Forest, Evolve Metapod

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Beedrill: Palmtree Park, Route 30, Route 31, National Park, Ilex Forest, Evolve Kakuna

Pidgeotto: Watterfall Gorge, Jhoto Safari Zone Forest, Evolve Pidgey

Pidgeot: Route 29, Route 30, Route 31, Route 32, Route 36, Route 37, Route 43, Route 38, National Park, Route 35, Route 34, Brass Tower, Evolve Pidgeotto

Rattata: Forest Pass, Route 42, Bell Tower, Jhoto Safari Zone Plains

Raticate: Route 29, Route 46, Route 32, Mt. Mortar, Route 38, Route 34, Union Cave, Brass Tower, Jhoto Safari Zone Plains, Evolve Rattata

Spearow: Route 42, Jhoto Safari Zone Wetland, Route 47, (Headbutt Tree) Route 29, Route 30, Route 31, Route 42, Route 46

Fearow: Route 46, Jhoto Safari Zone Wasteland, Jhoto Safari Zone Desert, Evolve Spearow

Ekans: Milkshake Swamp, Route 42, Jhoto Safari Zone Marsh

Arbok Route 32, Jhoto Safari Zone Marsh, Evolve Ekans

Pikachu: Power Plant, Seaspray Dam, Brass Tower, Nitro Isle, Evolve Pichu

Raichu: Seaspray Dam, Evolve Pikachu

Sandshrew: Forest Pass, Jhoto Safari Zone Desert

Sandslash: Waterfall Gorge, Union Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Desert, Evolve Sandshrew

Nidoran♀: Jhoto Safari Zone Savannah

Nidorina: National Park, Nitro Isle

Nidoqueen: Evolve Nidorina

Nidoran♂: Jhoto Safari Zone Savannah

Nidorino: National Park, Nitro Isle

Nidoking: Evolve Nidorino

Clefairy: Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow

Vulpix: Oceanview Park, Mt. Furnace

Ninetales: Jhoto Victory Road (Lava Room), Mt. Tritorch, Trade in Southerly City (Kirlia needed), Evolve Vulpix

Jigglypuff: Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow

Zubat: EVERYWHERE.. Mt. Stratus, Icicle Tunnel, Darkwood Grotto Cave, Subfalls Cave, Tunod Victory Road, Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach

Golbat: Icicle Tunnel, Deep Mt. Stratus, Subfalls Cave, Tunod Victory Road, Dark Cave, Mt. Mortar, Ice Path, Slowpoke Well, Union Cave, Brass Tower, Cliff Edge Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Savannah, Mt. Dyno, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Zubat

Crobat: Evolve Golbat

Psyduck: Jhoto Safari Zone Wetland, (In Water) Tunod Safari Zone 1 and 4

Golduck: Jhoto Safari Zone Wetland, (In Water) Route 35, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Psyduck

Mankey: Darkwood Grotto Cave

Primeape Evolve Mankey

Growlithe: Ocean View Park, Seaspray Dam, Route 36, Route 37, Roue 35

Arcanine: Mt Furnace, Jhoto Victory Road (Lava Room), Mt. Tritorch, Evolve Growlithe

Poliwag (In Water) Route 30, Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach

Poliwhirl: Briefly owned from a trade in Oceanview City, Route 44, Nitro Isle, (In Water) Route 30, Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Evolve Poliwag

Poliwrath Evolve Poliwhirl

Abra: Mt Stratus, Espo Forest, Spatial Ruins, Jhoto Safari Zone Plains, Game Corner (100 coins)

Kadabra: Espo Forest, Briefly gotten from a trade before it evolves, Evolve Abra

Alakazam: Trade for Kadabra that evolves during trade in Trade Building (Snubull needed), Evolve Kadabra

Machop: Darkwood Grotto Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Wasteland

Machoke: Darkwood Grotto Cave, Mt. Mortar, Cliff Edge Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Wasteland, Briefly gotten from a trade before it evolves, Evolve Machop

Machamp: Trade for Machoke that evolves during trade in Trade Building (Magcargo needed), Evolve Machoke

Bellsprout: Jhoto Safari Zone Forest

Weepinbell: Route 31, Route 32, Route 36, Route 47, Evolve Bellsprout

Victreebell: Evolve Weepinbell

Tentacool: (In Water) Temporal Tower, Sunshore Beach, Spatial Sea, Waterfall Gorge, Route 47

Tentacruel: (In Water) Path of Victory, Cherrygrove City, New Bark Town, Route 27, Violet City, Route 34, Cianwood City, Route 47, Evolve Tentacool

Geodude: Mt. Stratus, Jhoto Safari Zone Peak

Graveler: Deep Mt. Stratus, Route 46, Dark Cave, Mt, Mortar, Route 45 South of Dark Cave, Union Cave, Cliff Edge Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Peak, Jhoto Victory Road, Briefly gotten from a trade before it evolves, Evolve Geodude

Golem: Trade for Graveler that evolves during trade in Trade Building (Houndoom needed), Evolve Graveler

Ponyta: Outside Tunod Safari Zone, Espo Clearing

Rapidash: Route 48, Jhoto Victory Road (Lava Room), Evolve Ponyta

Slowpoke: Icebound Chasm, Slowpoke Well, Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach (In Water) Blizzard Slopes, Darkwood Grotto Cave, Slowpoke Well

Slowbro: Briefly owned from a trade in Olivine City, Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach (In Water) Ice Path, Evolve Slowpoke

Magnemite: Power Plant, Jhoto Safari Zone Peak, Jhoto Safari Zone Wasteland

Magneton: Route 38, Jhoto Safari Zone Peak, Jhoto Victory Road, Mt, Dyno, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Magnemite

Seel: (In Water) Deep Mt. Stratus, Route 47

Dewgong: (In Water) Deep Mt. Stratus, Mt. Water, Evolve Seel

Grimer: Jhoto Safari Zone Marsh

Muk: Jhoto League, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Grimer

Shellder: (In Water) Jhoto Safari Zone Snow

Cloyster: (In Water), Ice Path, Jhoto Safari Zone Snow, Evolve Shellder

Gastly: Haunted Rock, Jhoto Safari Zone Forest

Haunter: Haunted Rock, Brass Tower, Jhoto Safari Zone Forest, Evolve Gastly

Gengar: Evolve Haunter

Onix: Tunod Victory Road, Jhoto Safari Zone Wasteland

Krabby: Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach

Kingler: Cliff Edge Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach

Electrode: Mt. Dyno

Cubone: Game Corner (700 coins)

Marowak: Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Evolve Cubone

Hitmonlee: Mt. Mortar Other Cave, Evolve Tyrogue

Hitmonchan: Mt. Mortar Other Cave, Evolve Tyrogue

Lickitung: Tunod Safari Zone 4, Route 31, Route 44, Bamboo Forest, Jhoto Victory Road

Koffing: Mt. Furnace, Jhoto Safari Zone Marsh

Weezing: Jhoto Safari Zone Marsh, Evolve Koffing

Rhyhorn: Tunod Safari Zone 1 (found in strip of grass behind the pond in Zone 1), Jhoto Safari Zone Savannah

Rhydon: Jhoto Victory Road, Evolve Rhyhorn

Chansey: Palmtree Park, Jhoto League, Evolve Happiny

Tangela: Milkshake Swamp, Bamboo Forest

Kangaskhan: Jhoto Safari Zone Wasteland

Horsea: (In Water) Evergreen Town, Route 49

Seadra: (In Water) Deep Mt Stratus, Evergreen Town, Route 49, Briefly gotten from a trade before it evolves, Evolve Horsea

Goldeen: (In Water) Route 42

Seaking: (In Water) Route 42, Mt. Mortar, Jhoto Safari Zone Ocean, Evolve Goldeen

Staryu: Nitro Isle, (In Water) Cianwood City

Starmie: Nitro Isle

Scyther: Jhoto League

Jynx: Northcoast Peaks, Route 44, Ice Path, Jhoto Safari Zone Snow, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Smoochum

Electabuzz: Mt. Dyno, Evolve Elekid

Magmar: Jhoto Safari Zone Peak, Jhoto Victory Road (Lava Room), Olcan Isle, Evolve Magby

Tauros Tunod Safari Zone 4, Jhoto Safari Zone Savannah

Magikarp: Sunshore Beach (SHINY!!!)(cost 500 yen), (In Water) Espo Clearing, Darkwood Town, Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach, Dragon's Den

Gyrados: (In Water) Espo Clearing, Blackthorn City, Dark Cave East Entrance, Evolve Magikarp

Lapras: Jhoto Safari Zone Rocky Beach

Ditto: Recieve from girl in Oceanview City, Waterfall Gorge, Route 47

Eevee: Win by beating Serenity Lighthouse, Palmtree Park

Porygon: Power Plant

Omanyte: Revive Helix Fossil at Northcoast Museum (Get from giving Red Shard to Fossil Finder)

Omastar Evolve Omanyte

Kabuto: Revive Dome Fossil at Northcoast Museum (Get from giving Blue Shard to Fossil Finder)

Aerodactyl: Revive Old Amber at Northcoast Museum (Get from Subfalls Cave)

Dratini: Forlorn Cape, Game Corner (2100 coins), (In Water) Blackthorn City, Dragon's Den

Dragonair: (In Water) Blackthorn City, Evolve Dratini

Dragonite: Evolve Dragonair

Chikorita: Proffessor Elm's Lab (starter)

Bayleef: Evolve Chikorita

Meganium: Evolve Bayleef

Cyndaquil: Proffessor Elm's Lab (starter)

Quilava: Win by beating the Developer, Evolve Cyndaquil

Typhlosion: Evolve Quilava

Totodile: Proffessor Elm's Lab (starter), Possible Hatch from Day Care

Croconaw: Evolve Totodile

Fearaligatr: Evolve Croconaw

Sentret: Forest Pass, Possible Hatch from Day Care

Furret: Blizzard Slopes, Route 29, Route 48, Jhoto Safari Zone Wetland, Evolve Sentret

Noctowl: Route 29, (Headbutt Tree) Route 36, Route 35, Route 47, Evolve Hoothoot

Ledian: Route 30, Route 31, Route 36, Route 37, National Park, Brass Tower, Evolve Ledyba

Spinarak: (Headbutt Tree) Route 36, Route 38, Route 35, Route 33, Route 48

Ariados: Route 37, Evolve Spinarak

Pichu: Seaspray Dam

Togepi: Receive from Mr. Pokemon as an egg

Togetic: Evolve Togepi

Togekiss: Evolve Togetic Balochi mp3.

Chinchou: Darkwood Grotto Underwater, (In Water) Darkwood Grotto Cave

Lanturn: Darkwood Grotto Underwater, (In Water) Darkwood Grotto Cave, (Under Water) Route 49, Jhoto Victory Road (Ice Room), Evolve Chinchou

Mareep: Oceanview Park

Flaaffy: Evolve Mareep

Ampharos: Nitro Isle, Trade in Blackthorn City (Dragonair needed), Evolve Flaafy

Marill: Oceanview Park, Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow, (In Water) Mt. Mortar, Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow, Evolve Azurill

Azumarill: Lake of Rage, Evolve Marill

Politoed: Trade for Poliwhirl that evolves during trade in Oceanview City (Ninetales needed)

Hoppip: Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow

Skiploom: Route 32, Bamboo Forest, Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow, Evolve Hoppip

Jumpluff: Evolve Skiploom

Aipom: (Headbutt tree) Route 29, Route 30, Route 31, Route 42, Route 46

Yanma: Bamboo Forest

Wooper: Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow, Jhoto Safari Zone Wetland, Jhoto Safari Zone Marsh, (In Water) Ruins of Alph, Cliff Edge Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Meadow

Quagsire: Cliff Edge Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Wetland, (In Water) Ruins of Alph, Lake of Rage, Union Cave, Cliff Edge Cave, Evolve Wooper


Espeon: Espo Forest, Evolve Eevee

Umbreon: Sinstrus Forest, Evolve Eevee

Murkrow: Outside Tunod Safari Zone, Sinistrus

Slowking: Trade for Slowpoke that evolves during trade in Olivine City (Magikarp needed)

Misdreavus: Haunted Rock, Sinistrus Forest, Jhoto Safari Zone Forest

Unown: Temporal Tower, Ruins of Alph

Wobbufet: Tunod Safari Zone 2 and 3, Jhoto Safari Zone Peak, Evolve Wynaut

Pineco: (Headbutt Tree) Route 36, Route 38, Route , Route 33, Route 48

Forretress: Bamboo Forest, Evolve Pineco

Gligar: Route 45 South of Dark Cave, Route 48, Olcan Isle

Granbull: Northcoast Peaks, Tunod Safari Zone 4, Route 35, Route 34, Evolve Snubull

Qwilfish: Jhoto Safari Zone Ocean

Scizor: Trade for Scyther that evolves during trade in Reefen Isle (Croagunk needed)

Heracross: Tunod Safari Zone 3 (found in strip of grass behind the pond in Zone 1), Path of Victory, Route 29, Mt. Mortar, Jhoto Safari Zone Forest, (Headbutt Tree) Route 29

Sneasel: Icebound Chasm, Blizzard Slopes, Jhoto Victory Road (Ice Room)

Ursaring: Waterfall Gorge, Route 45 South of Blackthorn City, Jhoto League, Evolve Teddiursa

Magcargo: Mt. Tritorch

Swinub: Icebound Chasm

Piloswine Ice Path, Jhoto Safari Zone Snow, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Swinub

Delibird: Icebound Chasm, Blizzard Slopes, Northcoast Peaks, Icicle Tunnel, Ice Path, Route 45 South of Blackthorn City, Jhoto Safari Zone Snow, Jhoto Victory Road (Ice Room)

Mantine: Tunod Safari Zone 4, Jhoto Safari Zone Ocean, Evolve Mantyke

Skarmory: Route 45 South of Blackthorn City, Route 45 South of Dark Cave, Olcan Isle

Houndoom: Sinistrus Forest, Jhoto Victory Road (Lava Room), Olcan Isle, Mt. Tritorch, Evove Houndour

Kingra: Trade for Seadra that evolves during trade inside Path of Victory building (Fraxure needed)

Phanpy: Mt. Stratus, Jhoto Safari Zone Desert

Donphan: Route 45, South of Dark Cave, Jhoto Safari Zone Desert, Evolve Phanpy

Smeargle: Ruins of Alph (connected to Union Cave, outside), Jhoto Safari Zone Plains

Hitmontop: Mt. Mortar Other Cave, Evolve Tyrogue

Smoochum: Blizard Slopes, Route 44 (in smaller grass patch), Jhoto Safari Zone Snow

Elekid: Power Plant

Magby: Mt. Furnace

Miltank: Tunod Safari Zone 4, Moomoo Farm (1), Route 47

Larvitar: Forlorn Cape

Pupitar Evolve Larvitar

Tyranitar: Olcan Isle, Evolve Pupitar

Blaziken: Win by beating trainer in Darkwood Town Dojo

Mudkip: (Only 1) Green Swamp

Marshstomp: Evolve Mudkip

Swampert Evolve Marshstomp

Poochyena: Forest Pass, Springside Path

Mightyena: Outside Tunod Safari Zone, Evolve Poochyena

Linoone: Route 29, Route 43, Evolve Zigzagoon

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Tailow: Forest Pass, Springside Path, Geminite River, Cianvine Bridge

Swellow: Outside Tunod Safari Zone, Espo Clearing, Evolve Tailow

Wingull: Cianvine Bridge, Haunted Isle (In Water) Seaspray Dam, Temporal Tower, Sunshore Beach, Spatial Sea

Pelipper: Cianvine Bridge, (In Water) Waterfall Gorge, Path of Victory, Violet City, Evergreen Town, Evolve Wingull

Ralts: Forest Pass, Espo Clearing, Spacial Ruins

Kirlia: Espo Forest, Evolve Ralts

Gardevoir: Evolve Kirlia

Shroomish: Milkshake Swamp, Springside Path

Lileep: Revive Root Fossil at Northcoast Museum (Get from giving Yellow Shard to Fossil Finder)

Cradilly: Evolve Lileep

Anorith: Revive Claw Fossil at Northcoast Museum (Get from giving Green Shard to Fossil Finder)

Armaldo: Evolve Anorith

Breloom: Springside Path, Evolve Shroomish

Nincada: Outside Tunod Safari Zone, Route 48

Ninjask: Route 48, Evole Nincada

Shedinja Route 48, Evolve Nincada while having a pokeball and 1 space in inventory

Sableye: Mt. Stratus (further in cave), Subfalls Cave, Tunod Victory Road

Mawile: Tunod Safari Zone 1 and 2, Espo Forest, Jhoto Safari Zone Plains

Aron: Mt. Stratus, Tunod Victory Road

Lairon: Mt. Stratus, Deep Mt. Stratus, Tunod Victory Road, Evolve Aron

Aggron: Jhoto Victory Road (Lava Room), Mt. Tritorch, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Lairon

Electrike: Oceanview Park, Power Plant, Seaspray Dam

Manectric: Seaspray Dam, Nitro Isle, Mt. DynoEvolve Electrike

Spinda: Haunted Isle, Palmtree Park

Trapinch: Possible Hatch from Day Care

Vibrava: Palmtree Park, Evolve Trapinch

Flygon: Evolve Vibrava

Zangoose: Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon)

Seviper: Path of Victory, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon)

Castform: Path of Victory

Kecleon: Jhoto League

Shuppet: Deep Mt. Stratus

Banette: Haunted Rock, Deep Mt Stratus, Subfalls Cave, Tunod Victory Road, Evolve Shuppet

Absol: Northcoast Peaks, Sinistrus Forest, Mt. Dyno

Wynaut: Espo Forest

Snorunt: Icebound Chasm, Blizzard Slopes, Jhoto Safari Zone Snow

Glalie: Northcoast Peaks, Route 43, Ice Path, Route 45 South of Blackthorn City, Jhoto Victory Road (Ice Room), Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Snorunt

Clamperl: Darkwood Grotto Underwater, (Under Water) Darkwood Grotto Cave, Route 49, Jhoto Victory Road (Ice Room)

Huntail: Darkwood Grotto Cave (1st Dark Dive Spot)

Gorybyss: Darkwood Grotto Cave (2nd Dark Dive Spot)

Bagon: Northcoast Peaks, Route 45 South of Blackthorn City

Shelgon: Olcan Isle, Mt. Tritorch, Evolve Bagon

Salamence: Mt. Tritorch, Evolve Shelgon

Beldum: Forlorn Cape, Espo Forest

Metang: Evolve Beldum

Metagross Evolve Metang

Turtwig: Proffessor Willow's Lab (starter)

Grotle: Evolve Turtwig

Torterra: Evolve Grotle

Chimchar: Proffessor Willow's Lab (starter)

Monferno: Evolve Chimchar

Infernape: Evolve Monferno

Piplup: Proffessor Willow's Lab (starter)

Prinplup: Evolve Piplup

Empoleon: Evolve Prinplup

Shinx:Proffessor Willow's Lab (starter)

Luxio: Tunod Victory Road, Evolve Shinx

Luxray: Evolve Luxio

Roserade: Jhoto Safari Zone Plains

Buizel: Haunted Isle, Geminite River (In Water) Seaspray Dam, Espo Clearing, Waterfall Gorge (Under Water) Route 49

Floatzel: Waterfall Gorge, (In Water) Path of Victory, (Under Water) Jhoto Victory Road (Ice Room), Evolve Buizel

Ambipom: Evolve Aipom

Honchkrow: Win by beating an Entertainer in the Cape Azure Performance Hall

Gible: Fornlorn Cape, Geminite River

Gabite: Deep Mt. Stratus, Evolve Gible

Garchomp: Evolve Gabite

Riolu: Proffessor Willow's Lab (starter)

Lucario: Evolve Riolu

Skorupi: Geminite River

Drapion: Evolve Skorupi

Pokemon Glazed Swimsuit

Croagunk: Milkshake Swamp

Toxicroak: Evolve Croagunk

Magmortar: Mt. Furnace

Pokemon Glazed Download

Yanmega: Route 35

Leafeon: Espo Forest

Glaceon: Receive from woman in Northcoast Town, Tunod Victory Road

Gliscor: Evolve Gligar

Mamoswine: Jhoto Victory Road (Ice Room), Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon)

Froslass: Northcoast Peaks, Jhoto Safari Zone Snow, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Evolve Snorunt

Snivy: Professor Cypress's Lab (starter)

Tepig: Professor Cypress's Lab (starter)

Oshaqott: Professor Cypress's Lab (starter)

Gurdurr: Mt. Mortar, Evolve Timburr

Conkeldurr: Evolve Gurdurr

Scraggy: Espo Clearing, Palmtree Park

Scrafty: Palmtree Park, Waterfall Gorge, Alpha Sewers (Pokemon Center Dungeon), Scraggy

Zorua: Springside Path, Sinistrus Forest

Zoruark Evolve Zorua

Joltik: Geminite River, Joltysan's house

Galvantula: Espo Clearing, Mt. Dyno, Evolve Joltik

Axew: Tunod Safari Zone 1, 2, and 3

Fraxure: Tunod Safari Zone 4, Path of Victory, Evolve Axew

Pokemon Glazed Wiki

Haxorus: Evolve Fraxure

Mienshao: Route 43, Route 44, Nitro Isle, Evolve Mienfoo

Druddigon: Tunod Safari Zone 2, 3, and 4

Deino: Forlorn Cape, Tunod Safari Zone 1, 2, and 3

Zwelious: Path of Victory, Evolve Deino

Hydreigon: Evolve Zwelious

Bonus Glitches I found: Some unwalkable blocks can be walked on

Mawile has Girafirig’s pokedex entry.

Druddigon’s pokedex is random characters.

Counter works with special moves and Mirror Coat works with physical moves occasionally.

Rock Climb hits a pokemon that has protected itself.

Catching a Gurdurr, at least in Mt. Mortar for the first time, can cause the game to crash

Found a random, hidden TV next to the guy I traded for an Ampharos…

Roserade has Stantler’s pokedex

For some reason, on Route 47, I can’t switch my pokemon outside of a battle

Game ruining glitch: If on the Rankor boat and the the woman in room 5 is missing, DO NOT SAVE, this cause the game to loop and you'll never ever escape the boat**

Thanks to my team (and in memort of): Nuzla the Luxray, Block the Toxicroak, DRIZLY the Politoed, Knight the Dragonite, Apical the Sableye, and Tundra the Glaceon

I will periodically update this as I find new pokemon and continue the game.

97% Upvoted


Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2014
Switch FC
So in the direct we see that Mario now has his wedding outfit from Odyssey and his builder outfit from Mario Maker, LInk has his tunic of the wild, and Ike can change to Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. This makes me hopefully to see other characters get alternate costumes like Luigi can finally get Mr. L or Peach can get her wedding outfit from Odyssey. This could be a great opportunity for Nintendo to sell more costumes as dlc kinda like what they did for the Mii fighters. What are some costumes you hope to see in the base game or as dlc? I would like to see Swimsuit female Corrin as dlc or Metal Sonic for Sonic.
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