Event Prayer Examples

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Short Opening Prayer for a Program, Meeting or Event. Sample Opening Prayer for Seminar, Worship Service or School Assembly Offertory Prayer, Prayer For.

Public Prayer Can Be Challenging

Whether you've prayed once or a hundred times, public prayer can be a little nerve-racking. It's similar to giving a speech, only everyone is usually totally quiet except for the occasional crying baby. Public speaking is not as difficult if you are prepared with a little bit of a plan. This article will outline some instructions for praying publicly and possibly give you a new perspective about praying in public.

Besides giving you tips for praying out loud in front of people, you'll find real examples of prayers you could use. Feel free to steal these examples and edit them for a prayer you are preparing to deliver. Then you may feel more comfortable having a public conversation with God.

Meal Blessing Prayer Example

Giving thanks before a meal is a common semi-public venue. Whether you're the last on at the table, the oldest person in attendance, or the 'religious' person, you can use this short and sweet prayer as an example of what to say:

Lord, thank you for this opportunity to get together with people who are special in our lives. You have blessed us tremendously. Thank you for the food that has been prepared today. Bless those who prepared it for us and nourish our bodies. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Record Length of a Prayer for a Meal

What's the longest prayer you have heard for a meal?

Church Service Prayer Example

Here's an example of what to say in a prayer at the beginning or end of a worship or church service:

Lord, it's amazing how much you love us. Thank you for bringing this group of people together. We are gathered here to seek guidance from you and learn what you'd have us learn to be able to better carry out your will and minister to each other. Please bless this time we have together and help us leave today refreshed and renewed in the confidence we have in your power and grace. In Jesus' name we pray these things, Amen.

Wedding Prayer Example

Weddings are religious events, so it's likely someone will be praying during the ceremony. If you've been asked to do this honor, here's an example of what to say:

Father, we thank you for bringing two amazing people like ____ and ____ together in a commitment of love that has been modeled by the love that Christ has for the church. We pray that you bless this marriage and that you provide these two with the patience, support, and wisdom to carry out the vows they are publicly stating today. Help these two become an even stronger cord of three strands woven together with you. Help them draw close to you, so that they always remain close to each other in your plans for them. Amen.

Graduation Commencement Prayer Example

Commencement prayers are usually in front of many people and are most likely to be with people of varying faiths. Here's an example of a commencement prayer:

Most high teacher, we come before you today celebrating the educational accomplishments of these who have invested time, hard work, and diligence to improve themselves. We ask that you continue to be a teacher for the hearts of this class as it graduates and these people use their acquired knowledge and skills in this world that needs your love. Bless this class of graduates as you bless the many places and people this class will encounter, and remind them that the pursuit of a higher calling is much more fulfilling than money or social status.

Funeral Service Prayer

It may be appropriate to use some scripture in a funeral speech or prayer including Numbers 6:24-26. Here's another Concise example of a public funeral prayer:

Lord, it's times like this we are especially thankful for the hope you provide us through the power of salvation. As we grieve our loss, we ask that you comfort us in the assurance that life doesn't end here but continues in eternity with you. Give us the strength to continue your work here on earth without your servant who was called home. We thank you for taking care of the one we love and will miss until we too are called to your heavenly home.

Prayer for Healing Example

Whether you are visiting a friend in the hospital or praying for someone at church, praying for healing is a common type of prayer that can feel difficult to word. Use this example to help you know what to say in your prayer:

Father, we don't always get to know what your will is for our lives, but we trust that you have a plan that is bigger than us. We also know that you can work any situation for your glory and any trial can become a blessing. God, you have the power to heal, and we are asking you today that if it be your will, you would heal our friend. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

The Purpose of Prayer

Prayer has many possible purposes, and the event you are attending will determine what the focus of your prayer will be. Here are some situations where prayers are appropriate:

  1. Church Services
  2. Funerals
  3. Graduations
  4. Weddings
  5. Holiday Dinners
  6. Visiting Someone in the Hospital
  7. Giving Thanks for Food

The basic parts and purposes of prayer usually involve one or more of the following:

  • Praising God
  • Making a Request (Intersession)
  • Giving Thanks
  • Confessing Sin

Using Scripture as a Guide

The Lord's Prayer is probably the most famous prayer, and rightfully so. It contains a direct example of what to do when you pray, coming from someone who has a great relationship with God. Just before his example is given, Jesus teaches 'do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.' So one clue about how to pray is to be concise because God already knows what you need.

He also warns about praying in public and advises against it. So you could make an argument that praying in public is not the ideal. Prayer is meant to be a personal conversation with God, but it makes sense to pray together in certain venues, just be careful about your intentions. We've all been around the people who ramble on and on while the food gets cold. That's no good. You'll find the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13:

9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.

How Long Should a Prayer Be?

According to Jesus, there's no minimum length to a prayer, but there seems to be a maximum. There are examples in the bible of lengthy prayers, but prayer can be a continual activity that involves a close relationship with God. Personal private prayers could be more like staying on the line with God with a Bluetooth piece in your ear at all times.

When it comes to public prayer, don't use the prayer as an opportunity to rant or ramble about something or try to impress others. Speak humbly, directly, sincerely, and concisely.

How to Start and End a Public Prayer

Christians believe Jesus serves as a bridge between God's perfect nature and man's imperfection. Jesus' resurrection after being crucified demonstrates his power to overcome sin and death, so it is through this gift that Christians are able to speak directly to God. It's not so much that God couldn't hear your physical utterance of words. Jesus provides the means to have a personal relationship with God the Father by making us perfect with His graceful forgiveness.

For this reason, many people mention Jesus and Father God in their prayers. You may hear 'in Jesus' name' or 'Father.' 'Amen' is a common closing word, signaling the end of the prayer and affirming the content of the prayer.

It's o.k. to start a prayer with any of the following, just as you'd talk to someone you know either by name or description:

  • Lord
  • God
  • Jesus
  • Creator
  • Savior
  • Omnipotent King, etc.

To end a prayer, you can acknowledge and affirm your prayer with a simple 'amen' or use something like one of these:

  • We ask these things in the name of Jesus
  • We thank you for your power to fulfill our every need
  • Help us patiently await your will to be done
  • In Jesus' name, Amen
  • Blake: Prayer, all prayer is and should be an intricate part of a Christian's life.

    Prayer is our communication between ourselves personally or ourselves in a group.

    Before we even start to pray, God being God, already knows what's on our minds and in our hearts, but still he enjoys us conveying things to Him in prayer, as it displays our reverence toward the fact that He is God, that He is our creator.

    Unless I am simply having a loving conversation with My Father God, which I often do, I try to be on point with what it is I am praying about, be it personal or in group.




This page has 8 examples of


for a

Christmas Party Event.


Click here for

Office Party Prayer


For Christmas Dinner Prayer :


Click here to view ALL our Christmas Pages:


Eight Prayers

The last four are Dinner Prayers

Dear God,

Thank you for the joyful fun ofthe Christmas season.

Thank you for this Christmas party where we can celebrate Christmas together and make merry memories with our friends.

Thankyou for festive food and fantastic fellowship.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendonof Inspirational-Prayers.com


Christmas Party Prayer

Dear Lord,

Christmas is a wonderful season of celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Thank you for this time when we can joyfully celebrateChristmas together with old friends and new friends.*

I pray that you would bless each one here with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

* If this is a family event,

100 amazing ways to use baking soda

the line in the prayer above

with the *

would just say,

'Thank you for this time

when we can joyfully celebrate

Christmas together.'

A Third Prayer for Christmas Party

Dear Lord,

We come in prayer thanking you for the birth of Jesus, and thanking you for ALL the blessings of the Christmas season.

Christmas reminds us of the most important things in life.

And it reminds us of the most important people in our life.

Thank you for all the wonderful people who are here to share Christmas joy with one another.

May we happily remember this day for many years to come.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com


The Next

Christmas Party Prayer

can be also be used for a

Dinner Prayer

Dear Lord,

We give thanks for this time when we can all be together.

We give thanks for this delicious festive food.

And we give thanks for the Christmas season where we can celebrate the birth of Jesus.

With joy we pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendonof Inspirational-Prayers.com

Christmas Dinner Prayers

Dinner Prayer



Christmas Dinner Party Prayers

Dear Lord,

We give thanks to you for the joy of Christmas.

We give thanks to you for the blessings of the love of Jesus.

And we give thanks to you for thistime of sharing a Christmas meal with our family and friends.


Short Opening Meeting Prayers

Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

A Second Christmas Dinner Prayer

Dear Lord,

We come before you in prayer tothank you for the blessings you have given us.

We thank you for the joy of this Christmas season.

We thank you for this holidaymeal that we are sharing.

We ask that you would blessthis food and bless the time we have together this evening.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendonof Inspirational-Prayers.com

A Third Christmas Dinner Prayer

Dear Lord,

We come to you in prayer thanking you for this Christmas season.

We thank you for this holiday meal and for the fellowship that we share.

We ask that you bless this food and our time together.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendonof Inspirational-Prayers.com

A final Christmas Meal Prayer

Dear Lord,

We pray a thankful prayer today.

We are thankful for the Christmas season andall it represents to us.

We are thankful for the JOY of celebratingwith our family and friends.

And we are thankful for the opportunity to share a festive meal together.

Lord, we ask that you bless this food andbless our fellowship.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon ofInspirational-Prayers.com

We have lots of other

Christmas pages.

Please visit our Holiday page

to see all our Christmas pages.

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