Madhu Chopra, Priyanka Chopra’s mom, is also a doctor in the Indian Army. She is a Malayali and belongs to Jharkhand. Apart from being a physician, she also operates an office from the 4 th floor apartment (Flat no. 403) of their Andheri home. Chopra runs a clinic as well.
Cdz online br. Priyanka Chopra has been making headlines for quite some time now. Earlier it was for her romance with American singer Nick Jonas who she has been spotted with very often, then for coming up with her memoir and now her latest revelation about having kids in the next ten years. While talking to People magazine, the actress said though she lives in the moment, she wants to have children in the next ten years. She also added that she is extremely fond of kinds.
PC was quoted saying, “I am a very live in the today, maximum live in the next two months kind of person but [in] 10 years, I definitely want to have kids. Lagu indonesia terbaru virgoun. That is, it’s going to happen in the next 10 years. Well, hopefully, earlier than that. I’m very fond of children and I want to be able to do that.” The Quantico actress added that her foundation is one of her only long-term goals. While talking about it, she said, “My foundation is very small and self-funded right now,” she explains. “I want to be able to make it something to reckon with because it comes from a very deep place for me. We fund education for kids who want to study and can’t afford it, from around the world. But I want to make that into a big thing. That’s part of my 10-year plan.”
Priyanka according to latest reports is expected to land in India. If the buzz is to be believed, boyfriend Nick Jonas is also going to accompany his actress girlfriend as PC wants her mommy Madhu Chopra to meet him. Nick reportedly readily agreed to come to India with the actress. Well, if reports are to be believed, the couple is all set to land in India today. Free web testing tools. Keep watching this space as we’ll be the first ones to get you the pictures.
Priyanka Chopra has been making headlines for quite some time now. Earlier it was for her romance with American singer Nick Jonas who she has been spotted with very often, then for coming up with her memoir and now her latest revelation about having kids in the next ten years. While talking to People magazine, the actress said though she lives in the moment, she wants to have children in the next ten years. She also added that she is extremely fond of kinds.
PC was quoted saying, “I am a very live in the today, maximum live in the next two months kind of person but [in] 10 years, I definitely want to have kids. That is, it’s going to happen in the next 10 years. Well, hopefully, earlier than that. I’m very fond of children and I want to be able to do that.” The Quantico actress added that her foundation is one of her only long-term goals. While talking about it, she said, “My foundation is very small and self-funded right now,” she explains. “I want to be able to make it something to reckon with because it comes from a very deep place for me. We fund education for kids who want to study and can’t afford it, from around the world. But I want to make that into a big thing. That’s part of my 10-year plan.”
Priyanka according to latest reports is expected to land in India. If the buzz is to be believed, boyfriend Nick Jonas is also going to accompany his actress girlfriend as PC wants her mommy Madhu Chopra to meet him. Nick reportedly readily agreed to come to India with the actress. Well, if reports are to be believed, the couple is all set to land in India today. Keep watching this space as we’ll be the first ones to get you the pictures.